
Monday, July 2, 2012

Vegan Sweet Potato Burger

Before you write this recipe off and don't even take a gander, let me say that I promise that vegan dishes can be yummy.  Swear.  I get that when you think "burger" you're thinking meat, be that beef, turkey or bison.  But this sweet potato burger was just divine in my humble opinion.  I even got the thumbs up from my meat-loving hubby too!

They are a bit frustrating to make because you're working with a much softer base that falls apart easily, but as long as you're not shy with the breadcrumbs (bring em on!), then they turn out great.  They still tend to fall apart as you eat them, but that's okay with me because they are so tasty that I was perfectly fine finishing my burger with a fork.  

You can top these burgers with anything you like, but I chose avocado and onion based on the suggestions from the original blog that posted this recipe.  Healthy Happy Life is linked up below in the recipe, so make sure to mosey on over and check them out if you're even remotely interested in other vegan dishes.

PS Can we just talk about how hot these past few days have been?  Yikes! I think I may use some leftover chocolate cookies I have to make a milkshake this afternoon....check back for the recipe!

Vegan Sweet Potato Burgers adapted from Healthy Happy Life
2 cans cannellini white beans, drained
2 C sweet potato, baked, peeled, mashed (usually you can get this from one large potato)
2 Tbsp tahini
2 tsp maple or agave syrup
1 tsp lemon pepper seasoning
1/4 C wheat flour
dash cayenne pepper
ground black pepper, to taste
lots of Panko bread crumbs
oil for pan

optional: avocado and onion

Add beans and mashed sweet potato to large mixing bowl and mash together.   

Add all remaining ingredients EXCEPT for bread crumbs.  Mixture will be soft, but you should be able to bind it together.  If it is still too soft, add some additional flour or a tablespoon or two of breadcrumbs.

Form patties, coating generously in breadcrumbs.  I used a TON of breadcrumbs to help form these because the mixture was so soft,  so don't be shy with them.

Pour just enough oil to cover bottom of pan.  Heat oil over medium high heat.  Cook patties until brown on both sides.  

Getting a nice crust....

Topped with avocado...

Then with some onion....

Ta-da!  Dig in!

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