
Monday, July 30, 2012

Gluten Free Breakfast Cookies

You're thinking one of two things:  No way do I want to start my day off with a sugary sweet! ....or..... Cookies for breakfast?  Heck yes!

The good news is that these gluten free breakfast cookies will please you no matter your viewpoint.  These cookies have barely enough sweetness to put them into the "cookie" category, but the sweetness comes from wholesome sources such as bananas, shredded coconut, honey and cranberries that will keep your tummy happy until lunch rolls around.

I, myself am not one to crave loads of sugar in the morning (don't worry, that definitely comes a few hours later right after lunch and lasts until, oh I don't know...bedtime?).  If I eat something sugary first thing in the morning that's all I'll crave the rest of the day.  Not sure why, but it happens every time like clockwork.....I eat a cinnamon roll for breakfast and by 10:30AM I'm dreaming of chocolate.

But these cookies fit the bill when it comes to my idea of a perfect breakfast.  Good quality natural ingredients that are both tasty and filling (due to the protein and fiber content) are what separates these cookies from those that you are likely to find at the grocery store: cookies with 20+ ingredients, many of which you have no hope of being able to recognize much less pronounce.

Do you want one or all four in
that stack?

The version below is gluten free, but if you wanted to add whole wheat flour in place of flaxmeal you certainly could.  Just know that it negates the gluten free factor.

Along those same lines, you could also switch up a lot of the ingredients below......olive oil for coconut oil, raisins or dried blueberries for cranberries, pecans for name it, it could probably be done and turn out just as tasty.

Gluten Free Breakfast Cookies adapted from Kumquat
Printable Version
1 1/2 C gluten free rolled oats
1 C unsweetened coconut flakes
1 Tbsp golden flaxmeal
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 C slivered almonds
1/2 C dried cranberries
3 very ripe bananas, mashed
1/4 C coconut oil, warmed enough to be in liquid state
1 Tbsp honey
1 tsp almond extract

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Prepare large pan by either greasing or lining with parchment paper.

Combine oats, coconut, flaxmeal, salt, almonds and cranberries in large bowl.  Mix thoroughly.

Add mashed bananas, coconut oil, honey and almond extract.  Stir to combine.

Place 2 Tbsp of batter onto prepared baking sheet and press flat to desired shape (cookies will not spread).  Repeat until no batter remains.  Bake for 22-25 minutes or until golden in color.

Perfectly golden edges...that's where 
the flavor comes alive.

The coconut and almond flavors meld perfectly
with the cranberries in my humble opinion.

I'll give you one guess as to where
that one missing cookie went :)


  1. These look really good. Are they chewy or crunchy?

    1. Thanks! They are more chewy. I was expecting them to be crunchy based on Kumquat's original post of them, but I guess it's the bananas that keep them soft and moist. They're definitely not bad cold, but I like to zap mine in the microwave for just a bit to get them warm.

  2. Cookies for breakfast? Yes! I am in! I love that this is GF and i adore the fruity-nutty combination. A must try!
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    1. Hi there! Thank you so much for the heads up on this great new site....I will most certainly be checking it out later today :)

  3. I just posted some gluten free granola bars. I was really trying to figure a way to not use the recommended cup of brown sugar. I love that you used mashed bananas to bind everything together. I might try nixing the brown sugar and trying the bananas when I make mine again. I'm tickled that I am actually experimenting in the kitchen. I am such a "rule follower". Thanks for the recipe!

    1. I am a rule follower a T! I think sometimes I'm so worried the final product will flop that I don't want to deviate from the original recipe. I'll definitely be stopping by your blog to check out the granola bars!!

  4. These look so good! I think I'm going to try these. I love that they are healthy, yet sweet :)

  5. Are these supposed to be refrigerated if not eaten immediately?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Delish!! Just made a batch this morning. Thank-you! :)

  8. Gluten free oats? How are oats gluten free?

    1. You can specifically buy gluten free oats. I use Bob's Red Mill brand.

      I just popped my cookies out of the oven. I di


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