
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tuesday's Tips, Tricks and Tid-Bits ~ Sharing Your Baked Goods

Today's post isn't really a trick or tip per se, but rather a fun and creative idea.  So often baked goods are given to friends and family.  They can be given as a fun surprise or given to someone going through a rough time.  While these yummy goodies are certainly always appreciated and are usually gobbled up within a short amount of time, sometimes there is so much food that it can't be consumed before it spoils.  And then it just ends up in the trash.

One quick and easy fix for this is to freeze the food you take to someone.  That way they can pop it in the oven whenever they need and/or want to.  I know it's probably not quite as excited as taking something fresh out of the oven, but this method might allow your loved one to enjoy even more of the tasty treat.

For example: this past weekend I whipped up some almond sugar cookies.  The recipe made several dozen, and I knew that it was just too many cookies to take to one small family get together.  I mean, we COULD have even them all (smile), but we really didn't need to.

So I froze the dough in already measured out scoops and took those in addition to the baked cookies.  This way my fam could pull one (or two or five) cookies out of the freezer and pop them into the oven whenever they liked.

I may or may not have eaten
a few of the raw cookies dough bites....

If you do this, just make sure you also bring directions for baking the yummy treats!

What's your family item to take to a friend or family member?

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